Saturday, November 27, 2010

How was your thanksgiving?

How did everyone spend their thanksgiving day?  As usual, hubby and I spent it with our friends, feasting on Chinese food!  Yes, chinese food; not turkey or anything an ordinary American family would have on their tables.  My husband told me, it has been their tradition for many years already, maybe for a change, lol!  It is not really my husband's family tradition, it's only his and his friends' tradition and since I married him, i became a part of it, which I truly enjoyed because I love chinese food, no doubt about it!  Every year, we order our chinese food in a chinese restaurant in Canada and we have to cross the border just for that.  I hate going through  the bridge everytime but i guess the chinese food is worth the experience.  And if we want to have turkey, we could always stop by my sister-in-law's house and have some. So, that was it!  How about you?