Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How To Fight Speeding Tickets

Why is it that the more you try to avoid getting caught in a traffic, the more you get stuck.  The more you try to be careful so you don't get speeding Tickets, the more you get it.  Do you guys notice that?

My husband and I were on our way to attend a wedding of a relative.  There was a "rush hour" traffic and the wedding was supposed to start at 6PM.  Hubby was trying to look for an alternative route to avoid the traffic and we did find a back road.

We were in a hurry and we thought it was only our car running on the road but we were wrong.  I was surprised to see a cop running after us.  We pulled over and as expected, hubby got charged for speeding.  The cop said that hubby was driving at 45 miles per hour in a 30 mph area.  Honestly, we never saw any traffic sign saying it was a 30 mph area.

The cop said that it is a school area and it was supposed to be a 30 mph.  It was even a Sunday so schools were close that day.  Well, to make a long story short, hubby was charged and was advised to plead guilty and hope for a reduced charge.  Hubby had to miss a day at work so he could go to the court and was later asked to pay $175.

That time, we had no idea that anybody could contest a ticket.  Someone at work just told me about it.  While we know that it is a traffic violation to over speed, there is a way that charges be dismissed or at least reduced if we consult a good lawyer that knows and fully understands traffic laws and could fight tickets.

They know the law too well that obviously we don't care about.  They could surely help us get out of a ticket.  I have to tell my friend in California about this because she is always concerned about her son who recently learned how to drive.  Most new drivers tend to drive fast.  I think driving for them gets so overwhelming that sometimes they forget the speed limit.

I am not encouraging drivers to violate the law but it helps to know that we have the right to contest tickets.  No one wants to be put in this situation so we still need to be careful and observe traffic rules when driving.

This is a sponsored post however; all the points and views are my own.