Thursday, March 7, 2013

Why Most Men Stick To The Traditional Way Of Shaving Using Safety Razor Blades

I wonder why a lot of men prefer to use Safety Razor Blades to disposable ones.  My husband is one of them.  No amount of convincing could change his mind.  He grew up doing the same shaving routine since he started shaving on his teens and he is happy with it so he does not need to change.

I understand that older people are resistant to change.  Sometimes it is good but sometimes not.  It seems so hard for them to accept that there are a lot of new things that really make our life a lot better.  I understand that going back to the basic is sometimes the best way to go.

In shaving, for instance, I am so sure that my husband would stick with his own way of shaving because that is what he learned from his own father and grandfather as well.  Because he is used to doing it, he has become so comfortable with it, even for the younger generation, the traditional way of shaving is very difficult to do.

I cannot let him try these new stuff but I guess he knows better.  He said that nothing beats the traditional shaving.  He also finds shaving - the lather, his straight razor and after shave - very relaxing. If you want to get the best results in shaving, the traditional shaving is the best way to do it.

It gives the cleanest and closest shave, and safest too but only if you know how to do it.  I guess it takes a lot of practice to perfect it.  In fairness to him, he looks so clean and fresh after he shaves.  Using disposable razors, according to him, does not give him the sense of satisfaction that he enjoys when using safety razors.

It may be cheaper but not cost effective the way I see it.  The safety razors may cost more at first but you can use it for a long time with proper maintenance.  Picking presents for my husband on his birthday, Christmas and other occasions has become easier for me.  I know that getting him his shaving stuff would make him happy.

This is a sponsored post however; all the points and views are my own.