Monday, July 12, 2010

World Cup on TV

Guest Post by Martin Mocker

Every four years a great sporting event happens that I long for. The great World Cup is aired over the direct tv channels once every four years, and it is a time that I look forward to. I especially love watching the World Cup when my favorite team is in it. Luckily, my team is one of the best out there and always qualifies. The Brazilian soccer team is surely one of the best. Watching them play soccer is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. I actually schedule my time around the games since this event only happens once every four years.

If I am not able to watch the games live, I have them recorded and keep away from the television and internet all day. I actually get upset if someone tells me the score before I see the game. Luckily where I work no one is into soccer, so I rarely have to deal with that scenario. I would love to actually go and see the games live, but for now the large screen TV does just fine.