Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hire The Best Wedding Caterer For Less Stressful Wedding Preparations

Hiring a wedding caterer will save the marrying couple and their families from a lot of trouble that a wedding preparation brings.  Planning a wedding requires a lot of time and effort.  It takes at least a year to plan a nice wedding.  What is funny is the wedding ceremony itself only takes an hour to finish.  During the wedding preparation, it is expected that couples go through a lot of stressful situations.  It is not surprising some of them even break up right before the wedding date because of these so-called "wedding jitters".  

The wedding day should be the happiest moment in the life of the couple.  The bride should be most beautiful on her special day.  To spare them from some of the common hassles, wedding should be planned well with the help of a wedding planner.  The preparation and planning of the food alone is already a huge task.  Why not give this task to a wedding planner and let them take care of everything? 

My sister's wedding was a big wedding with some 300 guests.  Before the wedding, we bought some cooking utensils, hired cooks and other people to help in the food preparations. Some friends and relatives were nice enough to lend some sets of silverwares and helped in the preparation.  We invited some 200 guests but close to 300 showed up which was unexpected.  This caused panic to those who prepared the food.  Obviously, there was something wrong in the planning.  

Everyone was already exhausted days before the wedding until after the wedding.  There was a lot of cleaning up to do.  We had to make sure everything borrowed had to be returned clean.  As expected, there were missing stuff so we had no choice but to replace them with new ones.  It was a nightmare collecting these stuff and I learned a big lesson from that experience.  

When it was my turn to get married, I made sure I hired the best wedding caterer for our wedding.  It really saved us from the hassles of food preparation and work, before, during and even after the wedding.  Husband and I had time to relax a bit and focus on making our wedding day a memorable moment for us and our families.

This is a sponsored post for Caterman Catering, however, all the points and views are my own.