Monday, February 18, 2008

This is long overdue....

Yen has given me this award and i was really meaning to post it here right away because I don't want her to think i was ignoring it, but for some reasons, i wasn't able to. Sorry Yen, this has been long overdue but i have always thought about it and of course i appreciate your including me in your list. Thanks a lot for this, coming from you really flatters me. To return the favor, let me pass this on to my fellow bloggers: Lisa, Redlan, Pepe, Roselle, In-in, Anah, Jen, Lovely Ruth, Recel and Sarah.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sister! No worries! We all have a life beside computer:) And I have a new award for you;-)



Neis Family said...

Passing bye here have a good weekend.

Tess said...

TY Yen, bilibnga ako sau kasi kahit may kids, u can still do ur blogging and u do it soo well ha! Keep it up!

Vicky, thanks for passing by!