Friday, August 8, 2008

Caring Is Sharing: C'elle's Stem Cell Research Innovation

Working in a hospital environment has taught me a lot of things. It has opened my eyes to the reality that life is so unfair sometimes. There is a cruel world out there. And one of the important things that keep this world a beautiful place to live in is the love and support from friends and relatives that keep us all going. Everybody needs support and understanding especially those who are suffering from illness.
I know how fulfilling it is to be able to help like being a part in something that saves a life. It may sound impossible but actually, it is not. One great example is for women like me to participate in the new stem collection research innovation by C’elle. With C’elle’s non-invasive collection process, participating women are assured of a simple, safe and easy way of collecting and preserving stem cells that are found in their menstrual blood each month. It’s not like we are donating an organ or any part of our body. Here, we are giving something that we really want to get rid off every month, right? If potential cure or treatment to common diseases such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease, how can we afford to say No? The self- renewing cells found in women’s menstrual fluid can also be used as sports medicine and cosmeceutical treatments in the future. Participating women have nothing to lose in doing this. We all want to save lives because we care, don’t we?
I call on all women to please consider this as a once-in-a-lifetime chance of doing a noble task. Listen to a C'elle Client Testimonial. The great news is: you can join C’elle’s "Caring is Sharing" promotion that gives chance for women to be able to give the most wonderful gift of life to her friends and loved ones for free. Simply visit to purchase C’elle online and enter the special promotion code: 241. Do it now if you are interested because this promotion is for a limited time only. More power to all women in this endeavor!