Sunday, August 24, 2008

Excuse Me?

Guys that are so forward turn me off. Like for instance, you just met this guy and on your first date, he would ask “can I take you to my home?” Excuse Me? Maybe, I am just too conservative but I personally don’t feel comfortable about this question. It is obviously flirting as I see it but it doesn’t work on me. Sorry to say, you won’t achieve a Victory Hair that way. There is nothing wrong with flirting but we have to use it depending on whom to use it with. You got to be sensitive to your partner’s feelings or personality. Do you know how to flirt? If you wanna test yourself, Extreme Style by VO5 is running the Ultimate Flirting Championship game where participants would show off their flirting skills by how they answer questions asked by the judge. Whoever wins, as picked by the judge, wins the game. It is actually a fun ad exciting game and I really enjoyed it. Everyone is welcome to join. You will enjoy it, I tell you!

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